Today is February 11, 2025
We are a part of The Synod of the Rocky Mountains, and the Presbyterian Church USA

Our Blog

The Blog: Pressing Interest

We will soon have a blog, an exciting and new blog. Many presbyteries do not yet have one, but we know it is a soon-to-be essential in modern communication, and that day is near.

Our blog is named, Pressing Interest.

Anyone in our Presbytery may author an article or post an item of interest to others simply by submitting the article or item to our Communications Administrator. Once approved, the submission will be posted to the Blog. Comments and responses are currently limited to members of our Presbytery. You simply follow the instructions in the “comment” box at the end of the article.

Anyone may access and read the blog articles, whether a member of our Presbytery or not. If a non member wishes to respond to or comment on a posted item, we invite you to submit your comment to our CA by filling out the submission box found on our  “Contact Us” page. We anticipate being able to celebrate the publishing of anyone’s response or comment.


Wee Kirk

Posted on April 16, 2014

   The Spring 2014 Wee Kirk  Conference will be held in Albuquerque this coming May (27-29).  This conference is specifically for pastors and leaders of small churches (under 200 members).  The costs are very nominal (and dependent on the size of the church).  Scholarships are also available.  For more information contact Gwen Brown at [email protected] or go to the Presbyterians for Renewal website (  This is  a great conference (!) and very convenient to Western Colorado...  Read more


Available grants from Syond of the Rocky Mountains

Posted on April 09, 2014



The Synod of the Rocky Mountains has two funds that the Coordinating Council has decided to make available through a grant application process.

One fund is the Newly Ordained Pastors Fund.  The available amount is $1,087.61.  This fund...  Read more

Another Update on Clark Atkinson

Posted on December 03, 2013

Each week I take Clark to the surgeon so that the surgeon can check on the progress of the wound.  Surgeon says he (our surgeon) sleeps better at night when he checks it!  We went again today (Tuesday, November 26th).  This time he replaced his...  Read more

Patricia Stetson’s Ordination

Posted on November 18, 2013

Patricia Stetson's Ordination

Patricia Stetson's ordination to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament will take place in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church Montrose at 3:30 pm on Sunday, December 1, 2013. Her Ordination service...  Read more

Update on Clark Atkinson

Posted on November 14, 2013

November 5, 2013

Earlier today the surgeon wasn’t sure whether (due to swelling and other factors) the surgery would happen today.  But it did.  Here’s the content of Mary’s text to me this afternoon:

"Surgeon did go for it today….came in...  Read more

Medical Benvolence Foundation

Posted on October 22, 2013

My husband and I have just returned from several weeks in Kenya with the Medical Benevolence Foundation of the Presbyterian Church whose primary mission is to bring medical services to the poorest of the poor in the name of Jesus.   We helped at...  Read more

It’s Transition Time

Posted on October 17, 2013


A report to the Session of Monument Presbyterian Church

On the Meeting of the Presbytery of Western Colorado

Durango, Colorado, September 27 and 28


From: Steve Gammill, Elder Commissioner

This past weekend,...  Read more